frozen tear of love, could fill a book!

In most cases, the crime goes unreported and unnoticed. The victim are fearful of being blamed (hmm...I wonder why?), and they often develop warped feelings of love for the perpetrator (it's common for pedophiles to tell their victims that they are special, to better enable the abuse).

The mother is definitely complicit in this whole thing, and most assuredly the father is, since he was physically, sexually and emotionally abusing the entire household of females.

I find it unconscionable that a court would allow this man to go free and would punish these young women now for somehow "agreeing" to be raped by their so-called step-father.

Yet another depressing example of how the legal system in the Gulf fails to effectively protect women and children. All those shiny skyscrapers are just a facade; this region still behaves like it's trapped in the 5th century.