I can certainly find fault with Israeli actions over the years, but I would never characterize what they are doing as a "genocide".

Genocide to me means what happened during the Holocaust, in Rwanda and Srebrenica...THOSE are genocides.

What is happening between Israel and the Palestinians is not a genocide, IMHO. They're not actively trying to kill all the Palestinians and stop them from making more babies.
They definitely want them to stop firing missiles at Israelis. They might want them to leave the area/land they're currently on and keep it all for Israelis. And to those ends, they might enact certain policies and efforts (the blockade, building the wall, etc.) that make life extremely difficult for Palestinians, in the hopes that they will stop supporting those factions that engage in that behavior.

But they're not breaking into random Palestinian homes and dismembering them with machetes. They're not lining up all the young men in a village and shooting them down in cold blood.
To characterize what is happening between these two parties as a "genocide" demeans all the actual genocides that HAVE occurred.