David Banner,

First of all, let me confess, that yesterday after reading your post I got really really pissed off. And IMHO this is but natural reaction over any name calling. I know I am nowhere in the picture this employment game, so, as any individual I got angry because you called us PIGs. That too without having any concrete evidence that something like this is actually going on. I can say this because many of us are asking you again and again to prove your point and you just plainly failed providing any substantial evidence.

Today again, I saw your post calling us again PIGs and at this point, David, I realized that it is indeed your necessity to call us PIGs. You know, there is a game on net, something like “Punch Your Boss”. Simply write your Boss’s name on the pic and punch it, punch it and punch it. In fact very nice way to release your frustration. After sometimes, the screen re-appears asking you “Play Again?” and you can continue playing it endless times. No harm, as the Boss is going to rise again and again.

Same way I feel you are simply playing a PIG game as a relaxation technique. Well, I must say, it could be beneficial to you. David, if you go to bed with so much hate towards any nationality, your chances of having a Heart attack are increased by say, 40%. Secondly if you keep thinking, that what could be possibly done about us PIGs, you may get a Brain hemorrhage. So, trust me, continue playing the game buddy. It could not harm us as we Indians and Philipinos are going to be here forever, teasing you to play again and again.

I feel pity on you. You are really sick buddy. So, remember, before going to bed say “Indians and Philipones are PIGs” at least 20 times or as many times before you fall a sleep. Get a Good Night sleep and next morning hit the screen again to “Play Once Again”!!!!

Good Night David Banner.

Ignore my language as English is not even my 3rd language…lol

Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W.