When ever you notice something like this, please move to a side or completely move away. I completely leave the way and go the other direction if I have to coz its to dangerous and risky to keep going. While doing those stunts/race on road there is huge possiblity that any driver lose control of his 4x4 and hit you. I have a saloon car and if out of control 4x4 will hit my car, I dont know where will I end up.
When ever you notice something like this, please move to a side or completely move away. I completely leave the way and go the other direction if I have to coz its to dangerous and risky to keep going. While doing those stunts/race on road there is huge possiblity that any driver lose control of his 4x4 and hit you. I have a saloon car and if out of control 4x4 will hit my car, I dont know where will I end up.