QL used to host with Mediatemple, which is based on virtualized servers, but when the traffic took off they switched to RimuHosting.

There are now two data centres in Doha. One run by Qtel, the other by Meeza, which is part of QF. I just don't know the reason why any non-governmental website would host in either of them.

I know that before QL switched to RimuHosting, they were paying $100 a month for hosting. Now, I'm sure they're paying more, but not huge amounts more. Both Qtel and Meeza are never going to be able to compete on price.

Nor are they going to be able to compete on support. QL is number-three in the top-10 websites in Qatar, and it runs on free software. Kutch does a great job of running the local free-software group, but there just aren't the numbers of Linux experts in Qatar to be able to provide good support services.

The other reason you might not want to host in Qatar is the local legal framework. Hosting in the USA is sometimes frustrating if you receive a barrage of DMCA takedown notices, but at least the law is well-documented. Here, you can't be sure that someone with a bit of wasta wouldn't make a phone call to Qtel and shut you down.

Of course, there might be a technical reason to host here. If you needed low latency. Maybe the data centres are full of companies' file servers? However, even if I was running an system that require a low ping, surely it's a safer bet to host in Dubai?

Any examples of locally hosted websites???