there is still place for foreigners - people panic to much. I keep saying the following to friends, correct me if I am wrong - oh and the figures I use are purely rounded off, and are probably incorrect, but you will get my drift -

Start with 200,000 Qataris

Lets say that 50,000 are of school going age and younger and another 50,000 are the elderly

that leaves 100,000

of that 50,000 are women, and 25,000 of those don't want to work.

So that leaves you now with 75,000 (25,000women and 50,000men)

Between the large fuel organisations, the government departments, the security forces and other large extablishments, these jobs are filled.

What happens to the private sector? Surely there will still be a need for foreigners?

Again, like I say, these figures are just very loosely based on any actual recordings of employment/censes statistics.

Brit - I wait your input, as its always sound;-)

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

