Junx...Adam and Eve is the "Revealed Religion's" representation of the first people on earth. The question which i had in my mind since i was a child was, if they are the "First Family" to be ever created, why did God marked Cain after he killed his brother so that anyone who would try to kill Cain would be punished? Who would try to kill them if they are the only people created? It means, we did not come from Adam and Eve. There were other people living with them. The author of Genesis is probably the Leader of the Tribe then, who he presented themselves to be the 1st Family of their tribe.

dmighty: How could you be so sure that the "GREAT FLOOD" that happened in the time of NOAH also happened in the rest of the world? If the Bible really came from God, then they should have included text from different parts of the world. Why only focus on the happenings in Israel? Do you believe that God only favors the Israelites, as what is written on the Bible?

It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare, it's because we don't dare that makes things difficult!