Its wonderful that there are others out there willing to help the stray animals - in this case cats in Qatar, however, please remember, that feeding the cats daily will make them reliant on you permenantly.

These cats need to keep their natural survival instints to hunt for food. What happens if you are no longer around to feed them? Your generosity can become a burden to people moving into the area once you vacate, and they might not be as inclined to feed the cats are you are.

Please try not to feed them on a daily basis, but rather stagger the days you feed, and also don't feed in the same place but at different areas, that way they don't become used to a routine.

Do follow Tallg's advise on having the cats neutered and spayed - you can contact the Qatar Cat Coalition for advice on how to go about it.

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

