You are just trying to be an a$$***e here. I am cutting and pasting a stuff from Al Jazeera English, views on similar twist to facts- Should India launch a rocket to moon -the answer is simple India launches a rocket and satellite to the moon because it can and you can be a nuisance on the net typing your a$$ off, I liked the reply though I dont know who the guys is and I have no ways of knowing facts. Here it goes:

I am surprised at most comments. India is a developing country but the poverty figures quoted are plain wrong. India's current poverty levels are around 21% of the population and no one is dying of hunger or single meals is unheard off. To put things in perspective on this launch, India spent 75 Billion US dollars last year on Oil Imports and has a trillion dollar economy. Some one said 80 million dollars will be needed to feed people?? Wake up !!. It is the 4th Largest economy in the world on Purchasing power parity (A dollar in the US does not buy the same stuff as the rupee in India). Check

The US is in a trillion dollar debt and is spending 90 billion on geopolitics in Iraq. Britts don't know what a rocket is, because they dont have a space programme. European space Agency is a French-German Constortium. The comments are mainly for middle eastern Consumption, where semi-literate blokes from the west are managers claiming greater technical superiority of their countries. Reality dawns.

toppyin, Dubai, United Arab Emirates