True love is very strong and can withstand all kinds of assault FROM OUTSIDE. But a breach of trust kills it dead in a single shot.

Supposing she does forgive him and he grovels etc. He would still get away with murder, scott-free. Once he gets away with it, next time he will be more careful and will not be caught. But, he will cheat again, as sure as the sun rises in east and sets in west.

The only way is for her to leave right now and file for separation, alimony, support and whatever she can get.

This will hit him where it hurts and give them both time to figure things out. If, after a minimum of 6 months they do want to get back together, then she should reconsider but only with cast-iron guarantees and full financial control. Also insist on an VD check for safety and driving home the humiliation that he deserves. Not otherwise.

Cheating is not about sex most of the time. It's about power. He has abused the power she vested in him. She needs to take it back. It's as simple as that.

Love? my left foot.