but may I respectfully mention that Allah is for all people and all, not just Muslims, should take care when making sweeping statements about their Religious Texts (there's a lot of Religious Books about, right?)

"The word "Allah" is the perfect description of the "One God" of monotheism for Jews, Christians and Muslims!

Is "Allah" only for Islam and Muslims?
[No! It is for All Three Abrahamic Faiths.]

"Allah" is the same word used by Christian Arabs and Jewish Arabs in their Bible, centuries before Islam came".

As a non-Muslim, but as a believer in some Supreme Power which I'll never understand aka 'God', I sometimes think it would be nice if we could all understand that Allah = God. Not Mohammed, not Jesus, but GOD.

Occasionally I get the feeling that people are thinking Allah is a different Divine Being to the God that non-muslims refer to. This seems to create problems.

Language barrier and all that.