There he is waiting for me to reply...kind of stalking me would you say?? He does not contribute to any other thread besides this one....ok maybe once or are seriosuly freaky dude....thank god I'm not in are the next chain saw massacre to's like you are on the PC so obsessed with's a hint...there are more important things in life to worry about son....let the anger go...the thought that you anticipate my next move is kinda I get to you so much??

Osman Yissah - did you get the "lying idiot", "personal insult" "stupidity" part - just thought I would point it out in case you didn't see it...oh and by the way many members are freaked out by him and his nasty abusive nature, that's why they don't acknowledge him...

Oh and scotia you mean "her" stupidity not "here" da la

I should tell my five grade school teacher about that..:P