Seems I'm rather late to this discussion, however, I'll add my two cents: If all citizens were armed, there would be VERY little crime. In Texas, one town mandated that ALL citizens own at least one firearm.. and guess what? Crime fell to zero! It's like nuclear weapons on a smaller scale, ie; a deterrent to those who want to cause you harm. Most countries with strict prohibitions on firearms have high crime rates, such as Columbia. In the UK, when someone wants to massacre a number of citizens, even the Police can't stop them since they have no guns as well. A psycho will find ways to kill no matter how they do it, so as the saying goes: "Guns don't kill, people do" is as true as ever. Here in the Desert Southwest of the US, guns are part of life.. everyone has them, and many open carry their handguns all the time. Gun violence here is very low, so it's not the fact that gun shops exist, it's WHO is allowed to buy them.