Every human is born muslim (Muslim means = One who submits to God".
So you are not converting will be reverting by embracing Islam.
Any way, I'll praise your sacrifice for love, But Islam needs sacrifice for God. So better Study Islam and then only embrace it. Islam means real devotion to God and his rules.
So it will be better for you to not convert; if you are not going to be a real Muslim; The sin is many times more for a muslim for not obeying God's rules, Than a Non-Muslim who is unaware of God's Rules.
If you really wish to get a change in your life after Studying about Islam, you can go for it and feel the changes it brings to a person.
New converts are about to feel the real taste of Islam, for many in the new generation Muslims, Islam is inherited, and the converts Feel a real change in life and get the new experience and peace given by Islam.
You know that a man becomes a Muslim by reciting a formula which is very elaborate but consists of a few words only : La Illaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasullullah.
" There is no god but God: Muhammad is the Prophet of God".
Every human is born muslim (Muslim means = One who submits to God".
So you are not converting will be reverting by embracing Islam.
Any way, I'll praise your sacrifice for love, But Islam needs sacrifice for God. So better Study Islam and then only embrace it. Islam means real devotion to God and his rules.
So it will be better for you to not convert; if you are not going to be a real Muslim; The sin is many times more for a muslim for not obeying God's rules, Than a Non-Muslim who is unaware of God's Rules.
If you really wish to get a change in your life after Studying about Islam, you can go for it and feel the changes it brings to a person.
New converts are about to feel the real taste of Islam, for many in the new generation Muslims, Islam is inherited, and the converts Feel a real change in life and get the new experience and peace given by Islam.
You know that a man becomes a Muslim by reciting a formula which is very elaborate but consists of a few words only : La Illaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasullullah.
" There is no god but God: Muhammad is the Prophet of God".
|Re@ltor Q@t@r |