Jesus blood being spilt on the cross to cleanse our sins and for God to forgive us of our sins...

No where does it talk about Christians having Gods blood in us.

During communion we eat bread - (Jesus said eat, this is my body given in rememberance of me) and we drink wine/grapejuice - Jesus said drink in rememberance of my sacifice to you)

Nothing, no where about Gods blood in our veins.

Oh, and God said that Jesus is his son, and no one will gain the kingdom of heaven unless they have accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour and his son, basically no one gets to the father, unless they have gone through Jesus first.

That is why we praise and worship Jesus, because God told us Christians to do that.

One more thing, seriously, and remembering I am not a "practising" christian... although I love God and believe that Jesus died on the cross for me, I am honestly so sick and tired of how Islam gets pushed down our throats at every single interval on QL... really, do you find the Christians preaching christianity EVERY SINGLE DAY? Yes, we all have our beliefs, but can the Muslims please stop trying to convert us by ramming your ideals and religion down our throats?

Yes, we are in a muslim country, but that does not mean I want to convert to Islam, and I have no inclination to do so.... Yours is NOT the only religion on this earth, and many of us too believe our religion is the only one, but you never hear us forcing it on you.....

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

