nor Oryx ! Lots of people here have expressed their sorrow - and as usual the thread has had it's share of side-trackers.
I hope there will be no need, Doctora, for you to change your 'spots' and become impolite in the future.
I'm of to play canasta on line - I'll probably end up playing against some foul mouthed person who hs an axe to grind for no particular reason. Happens a lot on the internet ! ;)
nor Oryx ! Lots of people here have expressed their sorrow - and as usual the thread has had it's share of side-trackers.
I hope there will be no need, Doctora, for you to change your 'spots' and become impolite in the future.
I'm of to play canasta on line - I'll probably end up playing against some foul mouthed person who hs an axe to grind for no particular reason. Happens a lot on the internet ! ;)
Night night