and such a 'breath of fresh air'! Please don't ever change. Great to hear from you and just in the nick of time too! If you hadn't arrived, to make us all smile, we were about to get even MORE serious about something which really disappears into insignificance when I read your words about loving us all and your body being 'only suitable to China weather'. :D
Really wish you LOTS of luck with your present venture - come back to visit us soon!
and such a 'breath of fresh air'! Please don't ever change. Great to hear from you and just in the nick of time too! If you hadn't arrived, to make us all smile, we were about to get even MORE serious about something which really disappears into insignificance when I read your words about loving us all and your body being 'only suitable to China weather'. :D
Really wish you LOTS of luck with your present venture - come back to visit us soon!