wats happenin...well its as simple as dat its not allowed n islam to celebrate ur birthday so i don fink dat its a big deal.....der r many things n each n evry religion dat r said not to b done n u guys r not doing den y evrytym i see islam is stated sometng very different r u guys have neva seen...celebrating ur birthday isnt a big deal if u really like to party r gather so u can just call ur frnds n all to ur home r somewhere else n can have a gatherin....n as u guys have mentinoed dat after years dis n dat u won b able to live wd ur wife n all [you'll be banned if you continue swearing] ...Islam isnt changing its da ppl who just get into other religions n do wrong thngs n due to dem ppl like yew say sometng like dis about islam......guys n gals if u cant Respect someone's Religion u have no right to make it an issue....