'come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly'?
Yoo Hoo Amreen J - My passport says I'm British, so I guess I am :D
Been here in Doha about 15 months now. Look forward to meeting you once you get your bearings.
QL is the place to start. Keep posting comment and chatting away in the forum and then get DaRuDe to register you into the QL Social Group. You'll meet lots of people and one or two, at least, are Brits :D
'come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly'?
Yoo Hoo Amreen J - My passport says I'm British, so I guess I am :D
Been here in Doha about 15 months now. Look forward to meeting you once you get your bearings.
QL is the place to start. Keep posting comment and chatting away in the forum and then get DaRuDe to register you into the QL Social Group. You'll meet lots of people and one or two, at least, are Brits :D