Someone I was with at college (yonks ago) contacted me through Friends Reunited. FR have changed their format since I last looked (which about once) and they put a list of names of people you may know.

The second on the list was my ex-husband!!!!

No way could they have found that connection unless through our e-mail addresses. Even if we hadn't got each other's e-mail addresses their computer would have found from those addresses people we had in common. And so it goes on.

Pretty scary really.

Britexpat? Is there any section of The Sunday Times you haven't yet covered on QL the last two days, LOL
Every time I see a thread of yours it's an article I read in The Times yesterday hee hee :D
But, seriously, you SHOULD put the source from whence your article comes - it's a copyrite thing. Need to give credit to the writer I believe.