21/05/2008 - 12:23am
nadt said:
"Leave the poor woman alone, you dont know what shes really doing. Its her home and shes free to do what she like as long as shes not doing anything in your home, i dont see what the problem is. It doesnt sound like shes inflicting anything on you excpet that shes living her life which you dont agree with. Shes probably got a liquer license and having friends over..

If you are worried about your kids then teach them not to spy on your neighbours, instead of worrying about her."

QT said:
"You've got a nerve naming someone on a public forum! ...
Why don't you tell all of us who you are and where you work?"
tyazbeck said :
"Go find a life instead of watching ppl movement
she works in construction and in construction there is lots of male and little percentage of females these are only colleagues i guess
get a life"

I said:
- Go back in Siria!