comment here, and those who know me know that I won't post again after this.

I am not going to mention this person's name, as they know who they are. I am not going to make them feel the way Baj did when he realised everyone knew who PM was accusing.

What I am going to say is this, Yes, he was wrong in things he did and said, and as Gypsy says, he is young and sometimes over reacts, hell we all do, but never in any of this, would I ever believe that he would do something to jeopodise anyone's future in this country, and I find it hard to digest that this person has totally sabotaged his future in the University of his choice. I don't think it was done out of jealousy, as this person in their life has achieved way more than Baj has, I just think that they felt they were at risk due to some things he knew about them, so they took measures to protect themselves.

So people, thats all. Don't try figuring out who this person is, just remember not to trust anyone.

"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME

