No one is ugly in this world. we have a head with brain for us to use for thinking, a mouth to use for communication or nagging, 2 eyes we used to look with, 2 ears to listen to, 1 nose to smell, 2 hands to hold things with 10 little fingers to fiddle with, 2 legs to stand up, 10 little toes and our hidden parts we have to keep covered up that use for reproducing. lol!
No one is ugly in this world. we have a head with brain for us to use for thinking, a mouth to use for communication or nagging, 2 eyes we used to look with, 2 ears to listen to, 1 nose to smell, 2 hands to hold things with 10 little fingers to fiddle with, 2 legs to stand up, 10 little toes and our hidden parts we have to keep covered up that use for reproducing. lol!