I agree with your points, but believe that you are being too simplistic.

The Palestinina issue needs to be resolved for the sake of all parties - agreed.

That the British coloniolism is a cause of bitter feuds still and needs to be discussed with a view to possible aplogies and reperations - I do not agree with.

Simply put. Britain, like Spain, Portugal and Holland had power then. They used that power to "further their own aims".

This is cyclic. Today, India and China are becoming powerhouses. India is flexing its muscle in the region with relation to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir. China is keeping Taiwan at bay, whilst exerting power over Tibet etc.

These are facts of life. The strong feed on the weak. Yes there are more institutions now and more controls in place to counter this, then those days of the Raj, but the the strong still have their say.

Russia, America and to some extent UK and France , still exert great power in the world and take actions which could be contrued as "offensive".