يبين ان كلمة حلال موجودة على ملصق … يعني ممكن اذا عندي هالملصق ألصقه و اصور …
او انها مركبة بدليل أن كلمة حلال مغطية على الحجي المكتوب بالإنجليزي
في الحالتين اله ناشر الصورة فاضي

(It is obvious that the word Halal is on a sticker. This means that someone may have had this sticker and stuck it on the product and took a picture or it could have been fabricated. This is obvious because the word Halal is covering what is written in English. Whatever the case, the person who published this picture has nothing better to do.)
This incident happened in Singapore. When the pork was imported from Australia, there was no Halal sticker on it. This was the result of a prank by someone. The supermarket giant has since apologised via mass media and are in investigation for the identity of the prankster.

I hope this matter won’t get blown out of proportion than it already is and it is certainly not the fault of the Australian exporter.

News from Singapore:
SINGAPORE: NTUC FairPrice said it will make a police report over what it called “a deliberate and wilful act of mischief” to tamper with its packaging of “Pasar Fresh Pork”.

A photo sent in by a viewer showed a packet of pork under NTUC’s Pasar brand with a “halal” sticker from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS).
Muslims are forbidden from eating pork and such “halal” labels are reserved for food products that do not contain pork or other non-permissible products.

“Halal” means permissible for Muslims to consume.

NTUC Fairprice has clarified that the original packaging does not come with a “halal” sticker.

It added that this matter is serious and it will take all necessary steps to make sure such act of mischief is stopped and will not be repeated. - CNA/ac

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