Your LIVE-IN 8.5 software is crashing, displaying error messages, hanging your house, or otherwise not functioning properly...??
... so what can you do?
I'm not trained or qualified to provide technical advice for LIVE-IN 8.5 and WIFE 1.0 products.
Don't overlook the obvious.
Take it from someone who has completely replaced an internal WIFE 1.0
Return your LIVE-IN 8.5 to default settings. Check your LIVE-IN 8.5's help file or manual for instructions on how to do this.
In LIVE-IN 8.5, you can restore default preferences by holding down the Shift+Ctrl+F*KC YOU (Windows) or Shift+Option+SHUT UP (Mac) as you launch WIFE 1.0.
Loading too many programs(LIVE-IN 8.5 & WIFE 1.0 ) at once can cause your resources to get too low, and your system can crash.
Remove anything you don't need from your startup items.