492 Americans,
5 Australians,
94 Britons,
82 Canadians,
2 Czech,
14 Danes,
16 Dutch,
2 Estonians,
1 Finn,
12 French,
22 Germans,
11 Italians,
3 Norwegians,
3 Poles,
2 Portuguese,
8 Romanians
1 South Korean,
23 Spaniards,
2 Swedes
-- in the war on terror as of May 2, 2008, according to a CNN count. The troops died in support of the U.S.-led Operation Enduring Freedom or were part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.
A Romanian soldier was killed Friday-13.06.2008 and three soldiers were injured while on patrol in Afghanistan.
The soldiers were travelling in four amphibious vehicles on the road between Kabul and Qualat when they were attacked by insurgents using light weapons and mortar shells, 50 kilometres from Qualat.
There have been 793 coalition deaths --
492 Americans,
5 Australians,
94 Britons,
82 Canadians,
2 Czech,
14 Danes,
16 Dutch,
2 Estonians,
1 Finn,
12 French,
22 Germans,
11 Italians,
3 Norwegians,
3 Poles,
2 Portuguese,
8 Romanians
1 South Korean,
23 Spaniards,
2 Swedes
-- in the war on terror as of May 2, 2008, according to a CNN count. The troops died in support of the U.S.-led Operation Enduring Freedom or were part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.
A Romanian soldier was killed Friday-13.06.2008 and three soldiers were injured while on patrol in Afghanistan.
The soldiers were travelling in four amphibious vehicles on the road between Kabul and Qualat when they were attacked by insurgents using light weapons and mortar shells, 50 kilometres from Qualat.