Capital town of the Bistrita-Nasaud county; medieval town raised by the Saxons; crafts, trade and education flourished during the Middle Ages; nowadays, the most important town in the north-eastern part of Transylvania;
Orthodox Church (13th c.)early Gothic and baroque styles; fragments of murals from the 14th c.; St. Mary's Evangelical Church (14th-15th centuries) Gothic style with Renaissance elements, i.e. the pews; collection of 23 flags standing for the different guilds; Saxons' Tower (part of the church) 76,5 m high; tallest bell-tower in Romania; Citadel with Coopers' Tower (15th c.) 35 m high; Colonades'/Sugalete Passage (15th-16th centuries) guilds' shops and workshops; Silverman's House (16th c.) façade in the Renaissance style and finely carved portal.
Also another Dracula's castle is here!!! :)
If you see evil in others, it is actually the reflection of your own evil feelings
Few details about BISTRITA (Bistritz)city:
Capital town of the Bistrita-Nasaud county; medieval town raised by the Saxons; crafts, trade and education flourished during the Middle Ages; nowadays, the most important town in the north-eastern part of Transylvania;
Orthodox Church (13th c.)early Gothic and baroque styles; fragments of murals from the 14th c.; St. Mary's Evangelical Church (14th-15th centuries) Gothic style with Renaissance elements, i.e. the pews; collection of 23 flags standing for the different guilds; Saxons' Tower (part of the church) 76,5 m high; tallest bell-tower in Romania; Citadel with Coopers' Tower (15th c.) 35 m high; Colonades'/Sugalete Passage (15th-16th centuries) guilds' shops and workshops; Silverman's House (16th c.) façade in the Renaissance style and finely carved portal.
Also another Dracula's castle is here!!! :)
If you see evil in others, it is actually the reflection of your own evil feelings