In January 1916,the city officials of San Diego, CA offered rainmaker Charles Hatfield $10,000 to end their local drought. Hatfield proceeded to set up a series of 24-foot-tall towers that were topped with boiling vats of a secret combination of chemicals. Nearby, farmers heard explosions and saw flames, as smoke filled the cloudless sky and chemical smells permeated the air.
Soon the clouds opened up and it began to rain. Not only did the reservoirs fill but the rivers flooded, several dams burst, and dozens of people died.
Although Hatfield fulfilled his promise, city officials blamed the deaths on Hatfield and ran him out of town, without paying him.
iN 1946 that there was any verifiable progress in weather modification.
In that year, Dr. Bernard Vonnegut (author Kurt Vonnegut’s brother) discovered that microscopic crystals of silver iodide caused water vapor to form ice crystals. More than 60 years later, Vonnegut’s method of using silver iodide to seed clouds to produce rain is still being used by governments and private companies worldwide.
The HAARP program is based on physicist Bernard J. Eastlund’s 1987 U.S. Patent titled Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere. Eastlund’s patent is based, in part, on the work of Nikola Tesla, who first suggested that radio frequencies could transmit approximately one watt per cubic centimeter to any point on the planet without the use of wires. Thus, power could be generated on the ground and then broadcast through the air to the ionosphere, which is located miles above the surface of the planet. These high frequency radio transmissions could lift and heat up the ionosphere, thus altering wind patterns and other weather phenomena.
In January 1916,the city officials of San Diego, CA offered rainmaker Charles Hatfield $10,000 to end their local drought. Hatfield proceeded to set up a series of 24-foot-tall towers that were topped with boiling vats of a secret combination of chemicals. Nearby, farmers heard explosions and saw flames, as smoke filled the cloudless sky and chemical smells permeated the air.
Soon the clouds opened up and it began to rain. Not only did the reservoirs fill but the rivers flooded, several dams burst, and dozens of people died.
Although Hatfield fulfilled his promise, city officials blamed the deaths on Hatfield and ran him out of town, without paying him.
iN 1946 that there was any verifiable progress in weather modification.
In that year, Dr. Bernard Vonnegut (author Kurt Vonnegut’s brother) discovered that microscopic crystals of silver iodide caused water vapor to form ice crystals. More than 60 years later, Vonnegut’s method of using silver iodide to seed clouds to produce rain is still being used by governments and private companies worldwide.
The HAARP program is based on physicist Bernard J. Eastlund’s 1987 U.S. Patent titled Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere. Eastlund’s patent is based, in part, on the work of Nikola Tesla, who first suggested that radio frequencies could transmit approximately one watt per cubic centimeter to any point on the planet without the use of wires. Thus, power could be generated on the ground and then broadcast through the air to the ionosphere, which is located miles above the surface of the planet. These high frequency radio transmissions could lift and heat up the ionosphere, thus altering wind patterns and other weather phenomena.