Meeting Tips

Always dress as though you might meet someone no matter where you're going. Just make sure that no matter where you go, or what you're doing, you always look your best.

Men like women who wear fashionable, sexy clothes in bright colors . Why not please them. Do not aspire to the unisex look. Buy feminine-looking clothes to wear on the weekends as well as during the workweek.

Pay attention to what you're wearing on the days you receive the most compliments. Whatever it is, color or style or both, wear more of it.

Men prefer long hair; something to play with and caress.

Manicures, pedicures, periodic facials, and massages should become part of your routine.

Don't leave the house without wearing makeup. Put lipstick on even when you go jogging.

Do not forget to spray on an intoxicating perfume when you go out. Just don't over do it.

If you are in a bar, and see a man to whom you are attracted, you should smile and make eye contact with him just once or twice, but do not approach him.

Do not stare at him. Try not to look at him more than once every fifteen minutes or so. Your girlfriends can be immensely valuable in letting you know if he's checking you out.

You get a drink, a Perrier perhaps, even if you're not thirsty. It keeps your hands busy so you don't bite your nails or twirl your hair out of nervousness.

You walk briskly, as if you know where you're going, which is just around the room. You keep moving.

Act confident even if you don't feel it.

If a man approaches you, you smile and answer his questions very nicely without saying too much. Men need to be the aggressors. You must allow the man to pursue you. Remember, anything worth having is worth working for.

Never offer a man your phone number. If he wants it, he will ask for it.

If a man asks you for your phone number, tell him you will be happy to give him your phone number and then smile and wait patiently. Don't hunt down a pen, or scrounge through your purse looking for a scrap of paper.

You don't offer him your pen or business card. You don't make it easy for him.

When he asks you out, silently count to five before saying yes. It will make him nervous and that is good.

When you meet a man out somewhere, do not leave with him. It is important for security and setting boundaries.

Never call a man first and never return his calls.
