Wow, again thanks for all the very informative replies. I have talked with the American school of Doha and I get nowhere by email of phone. I have heard that you have to be there to really get any progress. Does HMC offer a local visit? I have asked about the salary many times and I am waiting for them to put the overtime into the base salary in the contract. At HMC I have heard there is lots of overtime so this should increase my salary like it does here in the USA. As far as the schooling fees I have asked and my recruiter states there is not a maxium limit since the school prices overthere are very expensive. This was the one thing that I have asked several times and the recruiter still says that they pay ALL school fees.
Is the wording of the contract something that I can add to or write in?

Thank you very much for your replies and I am supposed to get some pictures of the housing. I am going to go first before my family comes because the company states it is easier this way and that should give me some time to get settled in.
If you have any other information please let me know. We are packing boxes right now.

Best Regards,

"life is short, live it"