insurance is good... pays the garage for fixing the car... good... but will your car be really 100% fixed?

try getting a paper clip... bend it! See if you can return it to its original form...

Some garage use super heating methods to remold the steel... but do you know that the original method of making a car today is hydroformed... meaning... they use water... in order not to make any weldings... and breakages.

so.. now... we consider selling... the car... because it got into an accident... you lose money again on the insurance which you bought before... you will lose money on the real value of the car... which has depreciated... you will lose money if you don't sell the car as per your targeted selling price... now a days... getting a brand new car is easy.. which explains car devaluation is really fast...

to conclude:

good luck getting yourselves out of accident... i hope you guys keep in mind that both parties do lose in an accident... even there is insurance to pay for the car damages!!!!