I never said Islam is a violent religion.

I will say that an unfortunate minority of Muslims are in favour of violent action, when I meet a Muslim Mahatma Ghandi standing up against the violent minority publicly, loudly, proudly and without fear of some of his own people I will change my point of view. When I see people following this man or woman and developing the sort of societies that they should be developing given the tremendous talent available in the Muslim world I will change my point of view. When I see that the 22 Arab Muslim countries are no longer the most poverty-stricken and under-educated on the planet with the exception of sub-saharan Africa I will change my point of view.

Again, internal influences are far more damaging to the Islamic world than external influences will ever be.

When the Muslim world has itself squared away and its internal divisions worked out it can return to the time of greatness it once had. I see no leader on the horizon anywhere who can provide that to the Muslim world in our lifetime. With the burgeoning population rates (something like 50% under the age 30-where the are jobs and opportunities for these people?)and a dependence on natural resource economy, the future is not particularly reassuring for the Arab/Muslim world. This is a shame, it had such promise.