Ok in that case, except 4th question, its all depend on the firm.
1. As per law, one day off in a week not two.
2. As per law, 8 hours extra working hours should paid at 1.25% on normal days and 1.5% on weekends.
3. Depends, but you can ask them for O.T.
4. Al Thumama, PM me i've some contacts on my phone.
Ok in that case, except 4th question, its all depend on the firm.
1. As per law, one day off in a week not two.
2. As per law, 8 hours extra working hours should paid at 1.25% on normal days and 1.5% on weekends.
3. Depends, but you can ask them for O.T.
4. Al Thumama, PM me i've some contacts on my phone.
am i good?