To me, all human beings are equal regardless of nationality or color and i have equal respect for them all.

I am a family man myself and certainly prefer regulations that protect the ladies and ensure a comfort zone for families. All for it.

But you simply cannot say that x nationality people are all bad people. This is an archaic thought.
The regulations protecting the families and ladies should be there and applied to all humans equally. Exceptions is not the way to go.
There are more intelligent and far more honorable ways to achieve the objective which is the moot point. And these ways do not necessarily mean humiliating a particular kind of people.

Gypsy, i said b4, the mall is a privately owned place. Ok, then if you really believe in what you are saying, ask them to announce it publicly that "on Friday, we will only be open for families and singles from x nationality only". But nah, no guts to say so. Why? Because everyone knows saying so will be self-confessing to something which is considered a crime in most of the world.

I don't see what you are trying to achieve here. If the objective is protection of women and families, fair means of achieving that have been pointed out. Why do you insist on a collective responsibility regime which is based on nationality and color.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.