Mis-Cat, like i said before, CC or any other place has the right to make any rule.

But if you don't see as racism the situations that i have described (at khalifa), then i'd like to be enlightened by your definition of racism

and you are right, calling it racism won't get 'me' anywhere. and i don't want to get anywhere with it. I'm perfectly comfortable and safe at where i am.
But i hope some soul searching can get this society somewhere.

Now you can't say the Montgomery bus owners were within their rights to degrade people from a particular race just because they were the owners of their buses can you?

You see, the law of the land you live in must be respected. And also the rules of the institution you are visiting must be respected. But does that institution have the guts to publicly spell out the rules they are following???

Like Nic also said in his first post, the rule was enforced on particular nationality or skin color.

And like i shared what i personally saw at khalifa, while a lot of people were shoved back, certain people from the same crowd were pointed out and invited in. Families with children right in front of the gate were denied entry while females from the far back side were called out and invited in.

If you can give me another word for this appalling behavior, i am very open to correct myself.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.