The store I am referring to has sadly been closed for 4 months now.  I'm sorry, I just don't find the supermarket staff that bad. Considering their pay and conditions and pay, I think they do a good job.  Just going off the point a bit, last year I saw this huge car parked outside Hyatt Plaza being loaded with about 4 trolleys full of shopping. There was a Qatari lady in the back and after the Giant Stores guys had finished loading she opened the window and shouted at them to come back. The way she sounded I really thought she was going to tell them off, instead she gave them 100QR note each! I bet that made their day!

I work with a Phillipina girl and she is one of the best people I know in Doha.  Thinking about it, I agree with Mallrat, shyness, I think, plays a part.