
We would like to emphasize that we are not pushing any students to extend their training without their consent. It is the sole discretion of the student to decide whether he/she will extend the course. Pre-test is done for the benefit of student, we don’t gain from it as it is free but we still do this for our concern with the student. Pre-test helps the trainee to be more experienced in driving instead of just running for the test. We could have just taken their money and ask to go for the test without evaluating their driving but we don’t, as we value them. This pre-test policy of our School was raised to the Traffic Department and they appreciate what we are doing. We are the only driving school who are evaluating the students, we know this is not compulsory but as we value our trainees, we are providing such services. We even recruited Supervisors to conduct this pre-test as we want our services to be of high standard reason why the trainees who are passing from the first test increased.

There are cases wherein the Companies are pushing their drivers to have the test even they are not competent and qualified. Most of the native license holder doesn’t have enough experiences and driving skills but here in Al Khebra Driving School, we exist to mold professional qualified drivers for the safety of everyone.


Mary Ann Hernandez
HR Department