The only reason i can anticipate for someone looking for such info is that you are evaluating a job offer, whether to accept or not.
If this is the case, my sincere advise is, do not look at such minute details. Consider the major cost items only and that is, house rent and school fees, enquire from the employer about these, will they cover these or not and make your decision based on that.
If you start look at minute details such as cost of water!, you won't get anywhere
The only reason i can anticipate for someone looking for such info is that you are evaluating a job offer, whether to accept or not.
If this is the case, my sincere advise is, do not look at such minute details. Consider the major cost items only and that is, house rent and school fees, enquire from the employer about these, will they cover these or not and make your decision based on that.
If you start look at minute details such as cost of water!, you won't get anywhere