Hey CHILL man,
who ever u are,what is the point in i blame u blame
when no one here is interested in all this
I must say u really have the strength to naag
and make ur point when no one is interested
get ur own life and stop irritating us we have already made ourselves
very very clear that we support Darude in what ever he is doing
so whats the point in stretching......
go have fun and have a life.....
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....
Hey CHILL man,
who ever u are,what is the point in i blame u blame
when no one here is interested in all this
I must say u really have the strength to naag
and make ur point when no one is interested
get ur own life and stop irritating us we have already made ourselves
very very clear that we support Darude in what ever he is doing
so whats the point in stretching......
go have fun and have a life.....
Life is a mystery..... you never know whats next.....