Besides, I am allergic to the gym.... it causes shortness of breath, and I perspire far to much, almost like a fever...
one thing I will say though on the original topic.... The thread was entitled
'QL members please give your honest opinion'
Now Sanjeev, frankly, if that wasn't an open invitation to asking peoples opinions, then I don't know what is.... I have counted about 20 or so different people giving their opinions on something you asked them to comment about.... If you thought you weren't going to get impartiality, why did you bother?
I for one am insulted that you would think I keep my opinions inline with what other members of Qatar Living say... almost as if you are implying that none of us are capable of thinking for ourselves....
Just because you didn't like the responses you got, doesn't mean that we all colluded against you when defending an upstanding member of QL.....
I have noticed a trend that when a number of members agree with someone on a topic, they are accused of "mafia-like" behaviour, instead of it being assumed that they might actually share the same or similar outlook to the matter.... Immediately when someone doesn't agree with what you say, doesn't mean that they are ganging up against you.. .. it simply means that they don't share your opinion, and are quite entitled to that.... Don't post leading topic if you arent' prepared to accept the critism...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME
Besides, I am allergic to the gym.... it causes shortness of breath, and I perspire far to much, almost like a fever...
one thing I will say though on the original topic.... The thread was entitled
'QL members please give your honest opinion'
Now Sanjeev, frankly, if that wasn't an open invitation to asking peoples opinions, then I don't know what is.... I have counted about 20 or so different people giving their opinions on something you asked them to comment about.... If you thought you weren't going to get impartiality, why did you bother?
I for one am insulted that you would think I keep my opinions inline with what other members of Qatar Living say... almost as if you are implying that none of us are capable of thinking for ourselves....
Just because you didn't like the responses you got, doesn't mean that we all colluded against you when defending an upstanding member of QL.....
I have noticed a trend that when a number of members agree with someone on a topic, they are accused of "mafia-like" behaviour, instead of it being assumed that they might actually share the same or similar outlook to the matter.... Immediately when someone doesn't agree with what you say, doesn't mean that they are ganging up against you.. .. it simply means that they don't share your opinion, and are quite entitled to that.... Don't post leading topic if you arent' prepared to accept the critism...
"if you don't like the heat... get out of the kitchen... but stop trying to fan the flames before you leave... it will burn you on the a** as you go through the doorway...." ME