No use, the fan must bring a cold air in order to cool something, and there is no cold air for month to come. People are now installing a modified split A/C units next to the water tank to actually cool it (Aqua Chill 44665510, another company 44350600).
My next week project is to install a temporary water storage in the bathroom itself, as it will cool by just sitting there. Any small plastic tank, with tight lid, feed it from the hot side of the water heater (turned off) and return the water back to the same line. Pressure will push the cold water out of the tank once you open the shower.
No use, the fan must bring a cold air in order to cool something, and there is no cold air for month to come. People are now installing a modified split A/C units next to the water tank to actually cool it (Aqua Chill 44665510, another company 44350600).
My next week project is to install a temporary water storage in the bathroom itself, as it will cool by just sitting there. Any small plastic tank, with tight lid, feed it from the hot side of the water heater (turned off) and return the water back to the same line. Pressure will push the cold water out of the tank once you open the shower.