it is illegal for a company to do that. if you have time and will, please approach the following :

Disputes between companies and workers can be referred to the labour department. If the labour department cannot resolve the problem it will be referred first to a reconciliation committee and the to an arbitration committee. In the event of being dismissed an employee may be able to appeal to the lab our department, but must do so within seven days of receiving his or her dismissal.

If you have a complaint you should contact The Labour Department:

Tel: +974 4406554
Fax: +974 4406556
Located on C ring road - heading towards Hamad Hospital you'll find them close to the traffic lights at New Slata (the traffic lights before Ramada signals).

For a serious issue, contact The National Human Rights Committee:

Tel: +974 4444012
Fax:+974 4444013
Email: [email protected]
Contact Form
Location: Salwa Road, close to the Qatar Tribune office and the Jeddah flyover.