Halal meat means the sacrifice accoding to islamic rule for the animals whose meat are allowed to consume.
This includes list of conditions like:
The knife with which the animal is to be sacrificed should be sharp enough.
Sacrified animal should be made to drink water before sacrificing.
Intention of sacrificing should be purely and surely for Allah. Reciting Bismillahi Allahu Akbar.
Let the sacrificied animals blood flow continously and letting it die completely.
Distrubuting the meat accordingly to poor, relatives and self consume.
These all include HALAL meat.

Regardig Haram meat, the opposite rituals for Halal meat is Haram meat. This includes:
Sacrificing animals which are prohibited in Islam, for eg. Tiger, Pig, Dog, Cat.
Not reciting the name of Allah or sacrificing meat in the name other than Allah.

I hope answer the question.