You can buy e-cash card for the amount of the visa fee and use that card to pay for the visa. Not sure if they take USD, but have some QAR currency handy. The e-cash counter is on the right when you enter the arrival hall. You will need to fill up a form and pay the guy at the counter there and he
will give you an e-cash card.
The e-cash card will cost you about QAR 50 (if I am not mistaken). So, to buy a tourist visa, you will end up paying QAR 100 (tourist visa fee) and QAR 50 (for the e-cash card). You can top-up this e-cash card the next time you enter Doha.
You can buy e-cash card for the amount of the visa fee and use that card to pay for the visa. Not sure if they take USD, but have some QAR currency handy. The e-cash counter is on the right when you enter the arrival hall. You will need to fill up a form and pay the guy at the counter there and he
will give you an e-cash card.
The e-cash card will cost you about QAR 50 (if I am not mistaken). So, to buy a tourist visa, you will end up paying QAR 100 (tourist visa fee) and QAR 50 (for the e-cash card). You can top-up this e-cash card the next time you enter Doha.