We used to have a chap on QL (CYman -not seen him post for a while) who stayed in a hotel around Al Mansoura - I believe he also receommended it to Scarlett when she had a friend staying in Doha for a couple of weeks. I know Scarlett checked the hotel out before her friend arrived. She is out at the moment, but I will contact her later - failing which I will see her tomorrow at the gym! :D
I'll see if I can find it out for you - no idea of cost, but he used to come to Doha (like you are) for a few weeks at a time before he came here for good.
We used to have a chap on QL (CYman -not seen him post for a while) who stayed in a hotel around Al Mansoura - I believe he also receommended it to Scarlett when she had a friend staying in Doha for a couple of weeks. I know Scarlett checked the hotel out before her friend arrived. She is out at the moment, but I will contact her later - failing which I will see her tomorrow at the gym! :D
I'll see if I can find it out for you - no idea of cost, but he used to come to Doha (like you are) for a few weeks at a time before he came here for good.