OK I know this is from Wiki, but all the same, some of the listed 'sitings' seem interesting.  I haven't looked at them, by the way, mainly cos I think I've seen all this stuff before over the years :D

Oh I saw one, by mistake - whew!   It also looks like us Christians are more prone to 'sitings' than our Islamic friends!

" Percepions of religious imagery in natural phenomena include sightings of images with religious themes, especially the faces of religious figures, in ordinary phenomena. Many instances that are reported involve images of Jesus or other Christian figures seen in food, but it has an equivalent in the Muslim world where structures in food and other natural objects are perceived as religious text in Arabic, particularly the word Allah or verses from the Qur'an. Many religious believers view them as real depictions of miraculous origin; the predominant scientific view is that such perceptions are examples of pareidolia.



sorry - didn't realise this was so long!