When I wanted to loose weight and yeah, I'd exercise 3 or 4 times then give up, diet for 2 to 3 days then give up. Then I found the Kick start diet, founded by Drs back home. It literally gets you started on a road to a healthier lifestyle, after doing this you can really taste the fats/sugar in foods and they are not as appetising. And you become inventive with what you can have. its very structured thus hard to stick to, but its only a week or two and worth it I've managed to stay at my ideal weight ever since doing this.
But cardio exercise is a must, get your heart rate into the fat burning zone.
When I wanted to loose weight and yeah, I'd exercise 3 or 4 times then give up, diet for 2 to 3 days then give up. Then I found the Kick start diet, founded by Drs back home. It literally gets you started on a road to a healthier lifestyle, after doing this you can really taste the fats/sugar in foods and they are not as appetising. And you become inventive with what you can have. its very structured thus hard to stick to, but its only a week or two and worth it I've managed to stay at my ideal weight ever since doing this.
But cardio exercise is a must, get your heart rate into the fat burning zone.
I may be blonde but I am wise
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