I believe it is still on the first page of forum topics and headed:

OK Ladies, 29 February IS HERE! The one day in every four years when YOU can pop the question!

It included the following information - note the Irish connection :D  (sorry! I can't get rid of the bold type!!)

It was a fun thread with lots of posts, running up to 29th Feb (yesterday)

 "Here is an extract from an article I found on an Internet Blog to get you in the mood.


"Society has always frowned upon women who made the first move.
However, there are times when society states a woman can make the first
move and ask for the hand of her man in marriage and that is during a
leap year.

In a Leap year there is that famous one day every four years when
the calendar indicates that there is a 29th of February. The tradition
which allows a woman to propose marriage to a man is observed in most
cultures and if you are raring to ask your man to marry then this is
the best time to ask those words. Legend has it that the tradition
began in Ireland some time in the 5th century when St. Patrick declared
that females can start proposing or make known their feelings to a man
during a leap year."