You seem to have missed the entire point about tail gating and flashing headlights. Doing that is DANGEROUS it unnerves the driver of the car in front and possibly could cause them to lose their concentration and thus an accident occurs. More so if they are panicked into swerving into another lane because of the incessant flashing from the tail gating vehicle!

This happened to me in the UK once. It was at night and on a motorway I was in the fast lane overtaking a line of traffice when this car shot up behind me flashing his lights at me to get out of the way. It simply wasn't possible for me to safely merge into the centre lane due to the traffice there. Because it was night time, his lights were blinding me in my rear view mirror. I was spitting blood - absolutely furious that he had put me and my family in such danger.

Further down the road, after the incident, I saw his car in a Petrol Station so I pulled in, walked over to his car and tapped on the window. He was a middle aged man driving a Porsche with a young blonde female in the passenger seat. Go figure! (showing off eh?)

Since I was also young and blonde, at that time, he rolled his window down all smiles to ask what I wanted to say. I was in mid-flow of telling him EXACTLY what I had to say when his expression changed and he rolled the window up with some haste and drove off.